Vitamins And Supplements For More Energy

Sometimes life throws a lot at us and even if you workout, sleep enough and eat healthy, you might need that extra kick of energy. But please consider that if your stress level is constantly high and your body is giving you signals like headaches, heart palpitations, shaking hands, unusual sleeping or eating habits, you probably don’t need a supplement, you need to step back and take it more easy.

Supplements and vitamins are a good way to support you not medicine to treat or prevent a burn-out or other mental illnesses caused by too much stress and an unhealthy lifestyle.

With that being said, let’s dive into the supplements that can support you and boost your energy.

Vitamin D

A low level of Vitamin D can contribute to depression, which also leads to feeling more tired and fatigue. So taking Vitamin D can help you feel more energized.

Vitamin B

A deficiency of Vitamin B, especially B-12 can cause fatigue and feeling low in energy. You can also ask your doctor to check your level of Vitamin B if you feel tired all the time.


Women have a higher risk to have a low level of iron. It’s also recommendable to check with your doctor if you feel an unexplainable fatigue.


If you struggle with falling asleep or feeling rested in the morning you might want to try taking magnesium supplements.